Cafeteria Connections

Cafeteria Connections

School meals offer students a chance to select from all five food groups every day. Menus must meet strict standards for nutrient content and variety. While many people are skeptical of school meals, research shows that school lunches are typically healthier than lunches brought from home.

Kids who eat nutritious school meals will return to your classroom ready to learn and able to focus. To make the most of this resource, take action to promote school meals, and “nudge” students toward selecting the fruits and vegetables offered at mealtime. Try some of these ideas:

Connect your students


Connect with families


Connect with cafeteria staff


Resources for School Food Service:
  • Recipe Rollout: A guide for successfully introducing new recipes to the cafeteria menu (for school food service leaders and central office personnel)
  • Supporting Cafeteria Tastings: Actions to support tastings at school sites (for school food service leaders and central office personnel)
  • Tasting Planning Worksheet: A step-by-step guide for school sites to plan tastings in their cafeteria (for site-level food service staff)


Additional Resources


School Wellness Policy information/Know Your Wellness Policy

  • School Wellness Policies must include nutrition standards for meals served in the school district. All districts must comply with federal nutrition standards for school meals, but a district may choose to set stricter policies that exceed the federal guidelines.
  • The USDA recommends that School Wellness Policies include guidelines for promotion of healthy eating during school meals by making healthy foods convenient and attractive, and applying nutrition marketing strategies. Consult your school district’s wellness policy to find out whether your district has committed to specific strategies for directing students toward healthy choices in the cafeteria.

Cafeteria Connection Recent Posts

  • Maple Elementary created a lunch line system that placed students in line according to their entree lunch in order to get students through the lunch line in a more efficient manner.