Building the Foundation: A Toolkit for Healthy Environments

Make the Most of the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program
The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program provides servings of fresh produce to students in their classrooms during the school day. Students try many varieties of fruits and veggies throughout the year. If your school participates in this program, check out our FFVP page for complementary nutrition education, program promotion, and other resources! Learn more >>

Monthly Tips Help Teachers Be Well at Work
Supporting students’ health is more important than ever. Healthy food, regular physical activity, consistent sleep routines, and supportive relationships can help students feel great, do their best in school, and stay well. Teachers play an important role in supporting student health…but they have to take care of themselves too! Learn more >>

School Wellness Communication Tools
Encourage parents to support school wellness by sharing activities and events with your parents. Use these school wellness tools to communicate healthy behaviors to parents through your regular efforts to communicate with families. Learn more >>