Activity Outside the Classroom
Activity Outside the Classroom
Play is critical to learning! Active time outside the classroom allows students to relieve stress, develop social skills and teamwork, work on gross motor skills, and use their brains in a different way. Make recess and other activity outside of the classroom a priority for your school.
- Check your school’s wellness policy to determine the minimum minutes of recess required per day.
- If a minimum is not established, work with your school administration to require at least 20 minutes of recess per day.
- Create a plan to support daily recess: Recess Planning Worksheet
- Send a letter to parents describing weather conditions for outdoor play, reinforcing that outdoor play is a priority in all seasons. Include a list of appropriate clothing for being outdoors in cold or hot weather, as well as information about applying sunscreen.
- Be active with students during recess (you’ll benefit from the movement too): Play Yourself Fit
- Identify spaces in the school for indoor recess during bad weather.
- Make a list of games appropriate for you students’ age and class size: Game Library
- Lead young students in movement games, and join in the fun yourself: 12 Ways to Get Moving
- Collect basic items for movement play: