Edible ABC’s

Edible ABC’s is a curriculum targeting preschool aged children and connects the letters of the alphabet with healthy foods and physical activity. Find the curriculum and additional resources below.





Alphabet Activities

Quick Reference Guide

(May need to download for all links to work)

A Arm Circles Teaching A is for Apricots
B Balance on one foot like a tree Teaching B is for Broccoli
C Catch a ball Teaching C is for Cauliflower
D Dance party Teaching D is for Dried Fruits
E Elephant trunk swing Teaching E is for Edamame
F Fly like a bird Teaching F is for Fresh Apples
G Grow like a flower Teaching G is for Green Grapes
H Hop like a kangaroo Teaching H is for Hummus
I Ice skating Teaching I is for Ice Water
J (Juicy Pears)
J (Jicama)
Jumping jacks Teaching J is for Juicy Pears
Teaching J is for Jicama
K Kick a ball Teaching K is for Kiwi
L Leap frog Teaching L is for Leaf Lettuce
M March in place Teaching M is for Mango
N Netting a fish Teaching N is for Nectarine
O Open and shut your arms Teaching O is for Orange
P Picking pumpkins Teaching P is for Pumpkin
Q Quickly walk around the room Teaching Q is for Quick Oats Oatmeal
R Rake leaves Teaching R is for Radish
S Stretch Teaching S is for Sugar Snap Peas
T Toe touches Teaching T is for Tomato
U Up and down squats Teaching U is for Uncooked Bell Pepper
V Victory lap around the room Teaching V is for Vegetables
W Waddle like a duck Teaching W is for Watermelon
X “X” jumps Teaching X is for Vegetable “X”
Y Yoga Teaching Y is for Yogurt
Z Zig zag walking Teaching Z is for Zucchini